
This is a Json-API provided by muensterLAND.digital e.V. Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution and Share-alike (CC-BY-SA) International 4.0 license. We request that a link to www.digitalhub.ms is presented next to the data taken from this API. We appreciate the the placement of our "Digital Hub logo", which can be downloaded in our media information webpage.

There are currently following endpoints:

An API key is necessary to access the data. To request an API key, please contact our management team. Please provide a short description of the web project where you plan to include our data. We are happy to assist you with integrating the API data into your project. Your feedback will help us to collect use cases and drive development of this API.


Once you received your API-key it can be used like so:
GET https://www.muensterland.digital/api/events?api_token=[API-key] HTTP/1.1

GET https://www.muensterland.digital/api/events?api_token=123456789abcdefg HTTP/1.1
A sample output can be found via https://www.muensterland.digital/api/events?api_token=089d362b33ef053d7fcd241d823d27d1.

You can also filter the result of the response by:

  • mode
  • city
  • organizer
  • hub_event
  • district
  • interest

Just add the type you want to filter by to the end of the URL as a second parameter, like so:
GET https://www.muensterland.digital/api/events?api_token=[API-key]&mode=[mode_name] HTTP/1.1

GET https://www.muensterland.digital/api/events?api_token=123456789abcdefg&city=Berlin HTTP/1.1

If you want your results to be even more specific, you can even add multiple filter-queries after one another, like so:
GET https://www.muensterland.digital/api/events?api_token=123456789abcdefg&city=Berlin&mode=Vortrag HTTP/1.1

You can also specify multiple keywords in a single filter-query. Just make sure to seperate your keywords by a comma and remove any whitespaces like so:
GET https://www.muensterland.digital/api/events?api_token=123456789abcdefg&city=Berlin&mode=Vortrag,Barcamp HTTP/1.1


Once you received your API-key it can be used like so:
GET https://www.muensterland.digital/api/startups?api_token=[API-key] HTTP/1.1

GET https://www.muensterland.digital/api/startups?api_token=123456789abcdefg HTTP/1.1
A sample output can be found via https://www.muensterland.digital/api/startups?api_token=089d362b33ef053d7fcd241d823d27d1.

You can also filter the result of the response by:

  • City
  • Org_name

Just add the type you want to filter by to the end of the URL as a second parameter, like so:
GET https://www.muensterland.digital/api/startups?api_token=[API-key]&city=[city_name] HTTP/1.1

GET https://www.muensterland.digital/api/startups?api_token=123456789abcdefg&city=Berlin HTTP/1.1

If you want your results to be even more specific, you can even add multiple filter-queries after one another, like so:
GET https://www.muensterland.digital/api/startups?api_token=123456789abcdefg&city=Berlin&style=big HTTP/1.1

You can also specify multiple keywords in a single filter-query. Just make sure to seperate your keywords by a comma and remove any whitespaces like so:
GET https://www.muensterland.digital/api/events?api_token=123456789abcdefg&city=Berlin&mode=Vortrag,Barcamp HTTP/1.1

  • Make sure you entered the API-key correctly. Try and keep your API-key secret and handle the data with care.
  • Please note that your email will be saved in our database in combination with the API-key. Malicious exploitation of the API will result in the deactivation of your API-key.
  • Please avoid to scrape the HTML page content of our website. Instead, please contact us and we will look for solutions to provide the data via this API. We are friendly!